
Join a consultation event


Join a consultation event

Come along to an upcoming event to learn more about the new Local Plan, ask questions and discuss your ideas with the team. See below for event dates, times and locations. 

Join a consultation event:

Wednesday 10th January, 6.30-7.30pm

Virtual event via Zoom (link to join https://zoom.us/j/96279475241?pwd=OG9TcitNeUZSWk5ySTI5Y2VCdlM3dz09, webinar ID 962 7947 5241, passcode 060968).

Thursday 1st February, 10am-1pm, 10am-1pm

Attleborough Charter Market (in front of Town Hall), Queens Square, Attleborough. 

Friday 16th February, 10am-1pm

Dereham Market, Dereham. 

Thank you to everyone who attended one of our previous events in 2023.

Wednesday 27th September, 11am-2pm

Watton Library, George Trollope Road, Watton.

Tuesday 3rd October, 11am-2pm

Thetford Market, Market Place, Thetford. 

Thursday 5th October, 11am-2pm

Attleborough Charter Market (in front of Town Hall), Queens Square, Attleborough.

Saturday 14th October, 12pm-3pm

Swaffham Market, Market Place, Swaffham.
Wednesday 11th October, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Virtual event via Zoom.

Tuesday 17th October, 10am-1pm,

Dereham Market, Market Place, Dereham.
Wednesday 22nd November, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Virtual event via Zoom.