
Breckland's Local Plan


Breckland's Local Plan

Breckland’s new Local Plan will determine growth and development in the district for the next 25 years. It will help ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our communities.

Everyone with an interest in their village, town or local area can have their say. The more people that get involved, the better the aspirations of our communities will be reflected. 

What’s new?

Thank you to everyone who has shared feedback as part of the initial phases of the community consultation – Issues and Options and Development Strategy. 

You can read a summary of the views shared so far during consultation and look at the updated timeline for the new Local Plan. 

In Spring 2024, there will be a further opportunity to share feedback on the draft version of the new Local Plan – Preferred Options.

Local Plan Integrated Assessment Scoping and Initial Options

An Integrated Assessment (IA) has been prepared alongside the latest stage of consultation. This IA fulfils three roles in relation to Sustainability Appraisal, Equality Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment. IA iteratively informs the plan-making process by helping to refine the contents of such documents, so that they maximise the benefits of sustainable development and avoid, or at least minimise, the potential for adverse effects.

Read the Integrated Assessment here.